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Coloring the World Bright.

Aastha came to this beautiful world on 5th August 1988 and on 7th itself we were informed by the Doctor that she is Mongol child. The word was never heard by any one in our family. We were told that all her growing parameters will be delayed and she will be dependent on us throughout her life.

As she grew up her mother took her to every possible place from where she could get some positive results for her benefit. Aastha had severe constipation and upper respiratory problems and dental issues. But her determined mother took all these in her stride and strove on in spite of her responsibilities as working woman.

Being the only GIRL child in our extended family she got and is still getting abundance of love from her brother and six cousins. Aastha is a lovely girl and her love is unconditional for everyone she meets. She is very well accepted socially and we are better known in our social circles as Aastha’s parents.

Up until 2014 she had been to different special schools. In the absence of any shelter workshop she was sent to private teachers where she developed the art of colouring, quilling, cross stitch and dancing apart from attending Yoga classes. Her dance performance was applauded at various religious and social functions.

Aastha extends all possible help in our daily household chores and follows a fixed routine. Aastha,s innocent, lovable attitude makes us happy always. God bless her and all our special children who make life so beautiful for us.

Mukesh Dua