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Delhi Cycling camp for children with Down Syndrome

Dates 2 to 6 January (5 days)

time: 10AM to 1PM,

participants: 15 ( first come first serve basis)

Age group: 10 and above.
The requirement: a bicycle of child's size (where his feet are completely flat on both sides while sitting),

Important: helmet, elbow and knee pads.

We will have volunteer children to help us however it'll be great if fathers can take out time since running along side children could be a little exhausting for mothers.

Venue: Tentatively Rohini. Confirmation will follow.

Flying on Wheels

The first week of 2019 began on a high for Down syndrome in the country. At Delhi a group of young volunteers who are siblings and their friends began teaching our children with Down syndrome to cycle. A camp is on at Delhi where these teenagers are spending quality time teaching and running with these kids. The idea is a brainchild of a sibling Aryamman. He was with his parents as they taught their daughter Arshia to cycle. After seeing this, Aryamman felt that it would be good to take it up as a project and teach other kids to cycle. This camp is being held at The Heritage School, thanks to a parent – Mr. Vishnu Karthik.

This event is like a family picnic for the children as the parents and siblings all form a part of the team that is teaching them to cycle in a fun environment. Dr. Surekha Ramachandran, President of the Down Syndrome Federation of India was the surprise at the start of the event. No one knew she would be there and the happiness and cheer that this brought out amongst the audience was to be seen to be believed.

Already a couple of children have learnt to cycle and this is a fantastic achievement for the young trainers as they get enthused to go on with the training and making more children self reliant on their cycles.

Here are some fun images from the camp.

Delhi Cycling Camp - 2-6 Jan 2019