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Shravan Kumar

Discipline and Love – the two sides of Shravan

Shravan is a 25 year young man now with a million dreams.. Shravan has completed his Class X through NIOS mode ( English & Data Entry in good grades). He is an active, well disciplined & a well behaved boy , follows his routine as his internal clock alerts him at stipulated timings through the day to complete his course of activities viz., The list of his daily activities at home ..

Shravan's daily routine... Even if we miss, he would remind to get things done in the same order all days ! Yes Shravan is extremly proud to say "HE WORKS FROM HOME" to his cousins/friends !

1) 6am Fitness - goes to gym ( a brand ambassador there - Highlite Gym Shenoy Nagar), in the recent times - does cycling at home & walks in the terrace for 30 minutes

2) 730am Yoga - thanks to your team for introducing Yoga Mandiram on fridays at the centre, which has become a daily practise for all of us at home !

3) 11 - 1pm Weaving (weaves face towels, stoles since last 3 months at home) ... Thank you for the guidance & getting him learn the art in the centre...Practise at home in the last few months of lockdown really helped him learn continuously & the stoles have been picked up by friends in the neighbourhood!

4) 4 - 5pm Data entry practise in his laptop - does entry of short paragraphs & texts with accurarcy

5) 530pm - Key board (music ) practise

Apart from the above, he also takes care of our home by ensuring we are safe indoors. He shuts/opens doors & windows , locks main door at an appropriate time as relevant every single day, thereby showcasing he is a responsible young man ! Helps us in fetching water/bringing clothes from terrace !

I would proudly say, Shravan has taught us to be well disciplined , to be simple , humble & ever smiling always by staying calm/ keeping cool. Even during the time when his father was hospitalised & tested positive for Covid during Aug'20, it was Shravan who was motivating his dad during the qurantine. He understood the situation very well and did not step out of the quarantine room ensuring all are safe at home. Shravan was asymptomatic & tested positive. While his dad was working from the quarantine room, Shravan was doing his work from home as per schedule above day in & day out. It is this self discipline & behaviour of Shravan really makes us learn a lot from him. Would say both dad & son enjoyed a good bonding in the quarantine !

My personal learning in the last 25 years with Shravan is that the more we empower him, the more he does than what we expect. Also the more exposure we do, Shravan explores more.

From no where, to now here, I would say it is because of the able guidance from your team, i was able to raise him with confidence. As you are aware, he went through depression & anxiety 10 years back ( year 2010) & i cant forget, when i came running to you @ Mylapore centre, you immediately guided us to Dr Rangarajan & within a month, Shravan was fine and with the gym/yoga he is a happier child in the last one decade.

As we stay confident & as Shravan continues his work as a weaver, trying his skills on data entry & as we continue exploring more/understanding his skills, i feel Sky is the limit for our children & they would be successful entrepreneurs / diligent workers in the society with our endorsements !