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The art exhibition is in delhi

The Art Sanctuary is a charitable trust by Ms. Shalini Gupta started last month. This organization wishes to create a platform to celebrate the artistic talents of special needs young adults. While in school there are enough opportunities for them to get applauded and receive positive feedback for their art. But once out of a school, as adults, our society gives them very little opportunity for this.

Art Sanctuary wishes to highlight their expression of art through exclusive exhibitions across India. These exhibitions would carry their drawings, paintings, clay works, jewellery designs, sculptures, photographs, short films, theater videos, dance clips, music etc.

We are honored to announce that renowned artist Mr. Bose Krishnamachari, Founder President of the Kochi Munzris Biennale Foundation, has agreed to be the selector of all the art pieces. The exhibition is being held at the STIR Gallery in Chatarpur, New Delhi from November 1- 14, 2019.

We request a little help in our attempt to bring joy into the lives of this silent minority in India. Can you forward this to as many of your contacts across the country as possible?

Attached are the 2 posters which contain all the information.