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Visit of students of Martin Luther Christian University (MLCU)

Martin Luther Christian University is the first full-fledged Christian University in India, the capstone to more than two centuries of Christian education in this country. The University recognises its opportunity and responsibility to contribute to the sustainable development of the region, participating in vocational education, health care, information and communication networks, agri-sciences, environmental protection, disaster education, peace studies and developmental projects. The University will collaborate, NGO, community organizations, self – help groups and industry in the development of the community.

Students of Social Work from the University are on a study tour to Chennai . They got in touch with DSFI to know more about the kind of work done at the center. They were first given an introduction by Ms. Hema Malini, Special Educator and taken on a tour of the center. They had a lot of questions regarding Down syndrome and persons with Down syndrome. They saw the sections where vocational and academinc training was happening and learnt about the various things done at DSFI. They were given a presentation by the therapist talking to them about what was important for persons with Down syndrome.

The students and teachers were impressed with the facility and said that they would like to come again also gave a gift to the center as they were leaving, They also wanted to know about internship opportunities at DSFI.

It was an informative session for the kids who were happy to have learnt so much about a condition they were not even aware of.

The programs included yoga, Dance, Drama, Art other learning activities and of course fun activities like Dance and Antakshari for the kids. The mood was one of gaiety and abundant laughter. Everybody took home something that is precious to them – Hope. The hope that their children can do many things and hope for a brighter future for them.

They say a picture speaks a thousand words. CLICK HERE to view a few of those beautiful memories…