• Welcome to Down Syndrome Federation of India - Official Website


Life gives us bumpy rides to bring out from the comfort zone. Put us into a test to shine in the darkness nd true meaning of hardship.

My son shubhro is 9 yrs old, whose existence in our life changed our perception positively. Having special needs is a challenge in itself especially to accept everything in every aspect of life .His diagnosis of Down syndrome shattered us but it couldn't break our spirit as Shubhro is our driving force to move forward.

Dhrubo, who is 6 yrs older to him is fond of him unconditionally. Both of them spend most of their time together.

Shubhro goes to regular school. He has an energetic, active, helpful and sensitive peer group who make him feel as much a part of them as he is supposed to be. He enjoys his school time. He is an enthusiastic participant in all activities at school

Shubhro started drumming at the age of 5.It was a struggle to get up with the sound. But his grit and determination made him a drummer. Shubhro performed in various places in front of huge audiences. He is a fearless, independent, hardworking and positive individual.

He can influence others with his contagious smile. He is a pure soul with innocence and positivity. As a caregiver it's more of learning than teaching when we are with him,.

It's ok to take a moment from an anxious, fractured mind. The world will not stop turning while you get aligned. Accept the way we are and live into the momentum.

Tushti Mukherjee.... Mother to this wonderful son.