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World Down Syndrome Day Celebrations at Down syndrome support group of Amrita

International Down syndrome Day was observed at Amrita as a joint venture of Prathyasa ( Down syndrome support group of Amrita ) and Cochin IAP. The slogan for international Down syndrome day for 2017 is “ My Voice My community”

The first topic for discussion was regarding the inclusive education of children with Down syndrome, and the exemptions available on behalf of the Kerala Government for the education of these children and the challenges faced by them. This topic was addressed by Mrs. Leena Devadas( Special educator) and there was a good interaction from the parents

The second topic was regarding the vocational training facilities currently available for children who are mentally challenged and how they can be included into the society and how they can have a dignified life by standing alone and this topic was addressed by Mr. Aswin, Principal, Adarsh school.

This was followed by variety entertainment by our tiny representatives from Prathyasa