Seema Warrier
The next caregiver of our series honoring those who make a difference… Today we celebrate Ms. Seema Warrier- Shivang’s SEE MA’AM, a teacher who has given Shivang the freedom to be himself and thrive.
She is more than a teacher for Shivang. She understands his strength and works on them. She also knows his weaknesses and works on overcoming it with equal ease.
She is a special educator with over 30 years of experience and she has always been more than just a teacher. She is the guiding light for many of our self-advocates and I am proud to say that Shivang has blossomed under her watchful eyes and loving care.
Let’s take a moment to salute all our caregivers who believe in the potential of our self-advocates, just like “See- Ma’am “💙

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