Keeping the Faith – S. Ramnath
Born on 20th of March 1996, Ramnath was destined to be a special person to everyone around him. He was born just a day before World Down Syndrome Day and as a person with Down syndrome, he never let anything come in the way of…
Eustress yourself – FB Live Chat with Dr. Surekha Ramachandran, President, DSFI Nayi Disha organized an FB Live session with Dr. Surekha Ramachandran where she spoke about the importance of de-stress. Parents, especially having children with special needs tend to feel more stressed than others. Dr. Ramachandran spoke about how one can cope up with the…
Sharing a big moment of Jijo!
One of the leading magazines in the UK (Enable Magazine) about the differently-abled features #SuperheroJijo in their March-April issue! It is a proud moment for Down syndrome in India. It not only proves that our children can do wonders, but also that they can get…
Yoga for Everyone
The lockdown has been a period that has made us all inward looking. And in that process we have got a lot of videos that are being sent. We intend to share it with all of you through the Youtube Channel for the Federation. Do…
Ms. Unnati Surana speaks about the Quarantine
Ms. Unnathi Surana has a message that is relevant to all of us. She voices the feelings of not only the Federation but each one of us.. Do listen to it.
Government has regulations for persons with disability during the lockdown. How many follow it?
Disability and Covid-19: Government issues protective guidelines With the leadership and help of some dedicated disabled persons and their organizations, the Central Government has invoked Section 8 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016
Newzhook is celebrating Down syndrome..and how?
#CelebratingDownSyndrome – stories of inspiring people from across India who show us the power of Down syndrome every single day.
Celebrating Down syndrome with Rekha Maa.
Tough and compassionate, Dr Rekha, Co-founder of Down Syndrome Federation of India has personally touched the lives of many parents having a child with Down syndrome.
Connecting with Families of Persons with Down syndrome – Bangalore style.
Humsafar, first support group that empowers parents with Down syndrome kids in Bengaluru.
Equality is the birthright of every one—-
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