Korok – Creating Records
Though KOROK had already been showcased at the Republic Day Parade 2020 at Rajpath, New Delhi after receiving the Bal Shakti Award 2020 from the President and Prime Minister of India, now his achievement has been officially Recorded as India’s First Down Syndrome Child Danseuse with National Child Award.
A lot of thanks to all the well wishers of KOROK as only the love, blessings abd cooperation of them always motivate KOROK to fight against all odds in his life.
The Bengali meaning of the name KOROK is the ‘LOTUS BUD’.
Here, in this story, Korok Biswas is an Intellectually Challenged Child, the only son of Kallol Biswas & Sarama Biswas. He was born on 17th July 2003 and was diagnosed with Down Syndrome at his 07½ Months of age.
Down Syndrome is lifelong condition which can cause Intellectual Disability, Development delays, Distinct Facial appearances, Low Muscular Tones etc. and it was no exception with Korok. After his 05 years of age he was able to move and utter some words illegibly. Before that he was just nothing but like an inert living being.
Shocked to even come to terms with Korok’s condition themselves and then to have to explore facilities that would support his growth at a time when options were few, left his parents feeling isolated themselves.
Receiving no support from the family and neighbors plunged them to near suicidal thoughts. The journey for Korok’s parents was tumultuous and unbearable at times, when they heard their son and only child being called ‘handicapped’ or ‘unwanted’ or them being labeled as ‘Cursed’.
The tough challenges, however, compelled them to choose a positive path of development and joy.
His education began through a mainstream school that did not accept him and a few more schools that followed with the same outcome. An ntegrated School was approached, but that too fell weak in fulfilling the true essence of the word. Throughout his 5 years there, his mother, who is an Electronics & Telecommunication Engineer and sacrificed her profession, attended the school every day as his shadow teacher, as the others could not manage him. Korok continued to be aggressive in his behavior while his teachers concentrated more on the ‘mainstream’ children who would show better and faster results.
On further that distressed and socially rejected little ‘LOTUS BUD’ (KOROK) bloomed up by the passionate nourishment, affections & love of his School Noble Mission of South Calcutta at Mukundapur- Kolkata, his
beloved Dance Teachers, a moral support from entire CCRT team, which inspires him to expose his fragrance and ability to the entire society, targeted to be a main-stream Dance. Realizing his inclination to
the art of Dance & Music, his parents took this up as a challenge to support him in receiving the formal Trainings in various Dance Forms, which in turn helped him in achieving the following main accolades and
awards as the life-time achievements till date.
The journey of success in the Government sector started since Korok achieved the National Scholarship from C.C.R.T (Center for Cultural Resources & Training), under Ministry of Cultural Affairs; Govt. of
India on Gaudiya Nritya on 2014. Now, Korok is an accomplished Dancer who was felicitated with the Pradhan Mantri Bal Shakti Award 2020 (Under National Child Award for Exceptional achievement) from the President & Prime Minister of India, during the Republic Day Celebrations for his contribution in Art and Culture. He is the first ever child with Down Syndrome to ever achieve this award. In 2019, the International Dance Council (CID) under UNESCO acknowledged Korok as their registered dance performer. He was awarded another National Child Award BAL SHREE- 2016 under Ministry of HRD- GOI. Korok is a Senior Diploma holder Dancer from Rabindra Bharati University.
In-spite of all sort of Mental, Physical, Social and other barriers created for his disability, he never stopped himself to overcome all the above barriers. He continues his fight to be at par to the Main-Stream only with his passion of Dance & Music, with which he loves to spend almost all the times.
He dreams of achieving greater heights in dance, for which he carries a deep passion and wants to open a Dance School for Persons with Special Needs. “You need to keep practicing and be attentive to the music
playing during a show rather than at the Judges or the audiences present”– opines Korok.
Korok’s professional dance training and participation began in 2013. Today his parents hold their head high in view of Korok’s achievements but maintain that much needs to be done to change mindsets and attitudes. His father understands that this acceptance is more due to Korok’s achievements and no to otherwise, but Korok and his parents have moved on. Even during the lockdown, he follows a schedule that keeps him busy for about 10 hrs in a day. During short breaks he loves to view different song or dance videos from YouTube. He contributes in house chores, like; he sweeps and dusts the rooms, fills Water Bottles and also regularly prepares the bed for himself and his Grand Father.
“There was a drastic transformation’’ He prefers being independent and to encourage that we are these days training him to make purchases himself, which I feel is essential for survival”– says his father.
I will make this world as the blooming garden of all the little children buds, on harvesting more Koroks – says Korok Presently he is preparing himself for OBE Exams, as his parents found that to achieve some higher qualifications in Dance, a minimum 10th pass educational qualification is required, as per the Govt. norms and his School Noble Mission is all out helping him for the preparation.
1) Korok’s portfolio was published in the ‘DOWN SYNDROME FEDERATION OF INDIA’ website as the inspiring story of Fight of a Special Child, being the first ever Down Syndrome Child in India who achieved the above restigious National Child Award.
2) Korok was nominated for the ‘INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S PEACE PRIZE 2020’, awarded by ‘KIDS RIGHTS FOUNDATION’ under the United Nations (U. N), among the 142 selected Child Candidates World-wide, representing India. Please find, https://kidsrights.org/persons/korok/.
3) INDIAN MUSEUM accredited KOROK in their ‘STORIES OF WORLD CULTURE’, Part- 76, for his Special Speech on pandemic Covid- 19 and his Dance performance.
4) An N.G.O of Dhaka- Bangladesh, named ‘BANGLADESH SISHU KALYAN PARISHAD’, recognized by the Ministry of Women & Child Development- Govt. of Bangladesh and British Council- BD, had accredited KOROK in their Website and F. B online Live Show, during the pandemic period, on 11th October 2020.
5) SPECIAL OLYMPICS- BHARAT had accredited KOROK as their Leader performer acknowledging his fight. Please see the Special Olympics (Bharat) at https://specialolympicsbharat.org/, go to ‘What We do’ and find ‘Stories of Change’ or find directly on the link https://specialolympicsbharat.org/…/recipient-of-the…/.
6) INDIA BOOK OF RECORDS had acknowledged KOROK’s fight in their Record Book of 2021 as ‘ Youngest with Down’s Syndrome to receive National Awards in Art and Culture ‘.
7) ‘INTERNATIONAL DANCE COUNCIL (CID)- PARIS’ under UNESCO had accredited KOROK as their recognized Dance Performer Member; Membership ID.: CID- 28730.
8) KOROK had ranked 1st and 2nd in the Three Categories of Dance Competitions at ‘BHARAT SANSKRITI UTSAV 2020’ organized by ‘HINDUSTHAN ART & MUSIC SOCIETY’, duly participated with other all 1000 (One Thousand)- approx. normal Dance performers.
9) ‘A TYPICAL ADVANTAGE’ an Web Planet of Talent Platform, only for the Persons with Disabilities (PWD), connecting Corporate & Individuals, who are looking for livelihood by giving exposure to the PWD’s, had published Korok’s portfolio in their Website, for his future exposures. Please find https://atypicaladvantage.in/categories/dancers/346
The above are some main credentials, KOROK had achieved after receiving the PRADHAN MANTRI BAL SHAKTI AWARD 2020 in the category of Art & Culture.
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